Clarity from Nostradamus writings...

Presage 38
Roy salué Victeur, Imperateur
La foy faussée, le Royal fait cogneu
Sang mathien, Roy fait superateur
De gent superbe, humble par pleurs venu

(Translation) Following a breach of trust, to a tainted Church,
 the Christian [solar/venusian]King is acclaimed as Victor-Emperor[liberator and saviour]
By St Matthew’s Day (21st September/International Peace Day/Birthday)
[Initially subliminal] victory of future Henry V
 over proud enemy [Muslims/ lunar messianic prophecies- although he will have something of the Madhi about him] who are humbled


Le grand tappis plié ne monstrera,
Fors qu’ à demy la pluspart de l’histoire:
Chassé du regne loing aspre apparoistra,
Qu’au fait bellique chascun le viendra croire

(Rough translation) The powerful tapestry is scarce unrolled,
when a Nostradamus figure reveals only half a narrative.
Banned in France,
Appears harsh until continuing wars force its acceptance


Nay soubs les umbers & journee nocturne,
Sera en regne & bonté souveraine:
Fera renaistre son sang de l’antique urne
Renouvelant siècle d’or pour l’aerain

(Translation) On the cover of night, [precise time is available via the Bible] and in obscurity)
A great and good king is born
Of an ancient bloodline
Who ushers in the Age of Aquarius


Century III : 94
De cinq cents ans plus compte lon tiendra
Celuy qu’estoit l’ornement de son temps :
Puis à un coup grande clarté donrra
Que par ce siecle les rendra trescontens

(translation) In 500 years,
the ‘jewel of his age’ is finally understood
to everybody’s gratification
Nostradamus writings decoded
by 2003, through a single soul (calculated aged at the most, 33 years old)