The year 2012 or a little thereafter

The imagination to believe in Nostradamus - the raison detre to a new paradigm.The world is a funny place, where in the Middle East for instance, political leaders meet and afterwards, talk to the camera saying: 'I have faith we can achieve peace...' and 'I have hope for peace' - but this is not the same as having an imagination for peace. To have imagination means thinking like a child who reads a book, where sometimes you have to be an athiest, sometimes you have to be religious and sometimes, my friend - you have to forget completely everything you've been brought up to believe in. In the parameters of this paradigm, politicians are actually just filling space in history.

The ultimate Competition - to inherit the title as Nostradamus's spiritual son

The 'man of Peace' destined to relieve the world of war has a name. In the following quatrain, one can see a familiarity in translation. The secret is at the end.

D’un nom farouche tel proferé sera,
Que les troys seurs auront fato le nom:
Puis grand peuple par langue & faict duira
Plu que nul autre aura bruit & renom


A leader with a ferocious name achieves great renown:
Napoleon/ future Messiah (Peter lemesurier)

As Nostradamus was a Bibliophile, it has been suggested that he knew of a circa 14th century poem in praise of the French King Philip Augustus, which incorporates the story of King Richard Coeur de Lion of England titled Guillaume Le Breton’s Philippiade:

‘By a savage name he shall be described
Whose name the three sisters [the Fates] shall have predicted:
Then he shall lead a great throng by word and deed.
More than any other shall he have fame and renown.’


This man will be called by a barbaric name that the three sisters

Will receive from destiny. 

He will speak then, to a great people

In words and deeds, more than any other he will have fame and Renown.  (The late Erika Cheetham)


Answer: Phoenetically, Clawed Gale - what the first humans saw and what the last humans on Earth will see...


(Chaz Prêtre)

In the same way, one can decipher his middle name…

Le penultime du surnom du prophete
Prendra Diane pour son jour & repos:
Loving vaguera par frenetique teste,
Et delivrant un grand peuple d’impos

Nostradamus’s Bibliophilia has been suggested to have reached chapter 33 of Part II of Lichtenbeger’s Pronosticatio, as reprinted in the Mirabilis Liber of 1522-3:

The last-but-one of those called Prophet
Shall take Diana [Monday] for his day of rest:
He shall wonder far with his frenzied mind,
And deliver a great people from tribute


The last but one of the Prophet’s name
Will take Monday for his day of rest.
He will wander far in his frenzy,
Delivering a great nation from subjection
(The late Erika Cheetham)


The last-but-one to bear the prophet’s name uses
Monday as a rest day from the incessant travels to
free a great people from tribute: Mahomet/ Papal
successor of John Paul II/ Future world religious leader/
Pope John Paul II, himself/demented future leader and
New long weekend
(Peter lemesurier and others)



The last prophet and heir, will be born in the 20th century and have the nickname ‘Nostradamus’ as part of his formal name

(Our lady/Blessed virgin Mary/Walsingham)

He will desire Monday - the day of the moon, as a rest day to signify the day he was born (as was Islam's Prophet Muhammed): Nostradamus’s spiritual son

(Chaz Prêtre)